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  • @NorthLondonLight and myself rocked up at The Roastery, at the north end of Kew Bridge yesterday afternoon, around 16.30. We'd rolled out to Windsor for (another) Artefood lunch.

    It was crowded as the football fans strolled eastwards towards the Brentford Community stadium,
    and exacerbated by the railway line works that meant all were arriving by bus.

    The crowd was good natured, unti from the east a loudhailer could be heard. Turned out it was an anti-vaccination march, with MetPol escort, which marched westwards then across Kew Bridge. They were followed by around 8 Transit (-type) vans. Some of these were mini busses full of officers. A couple of minutes after they started crossing the bridge, another fleet of MetPol vans showed up, maybe 10/12?

    I was surprised that the Met could allocate such a presence to this march.
    Do the anti-vaxxers have to contribute to the cost of this (over-)policing?

  • Do the anti-vaxxers have to contribute to the cost of this (over-)policing?

    Yes, they pay tax just like the rest of us.


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