• #2
After some back and forth with the store that sold me the part, I am still stuck. They didn't have a clue how to fit it which surprised me as they sell all the replacement parts for the wheel. I've begrudgingly ordered a new dust cap from them so hopefully someone will see this and be able to help.
• #3
Have you tried threading the dust cap on, instead of pressing it?
If you can take some photos that would help.
• #4
I tried pulling it on by threading the adjuster cap onto the other side. The dust cap itself has no threads. It is slightly larger than the cup it is suppose to fit in to but theres no way it goes in with ease. I will get a couple of photos in a minute to try and explain better.
• #5
This is the dust cap. Its cracked on the other side so I've shown it from this side hoping it clearly shows that the cap is wider than the cup. It's made of plastic.
1 Attachment
• #6
This is the adjuster side. The adjuster cap is the same diameter as the dust cap and has a larger cup to go into. It is aluminium and definitely goes into that side. It threads onto the axle.
1 Attachment
• #7
This is the dust cover side cup.
1 Attachment
• #8
Another without the axle.
1 Attachment
• #9
Caps and axle.
1 Attachment
• #11
It's worth noting that the dust cap pictured is the original that cracked when trying to pull it through. The replacement is the one I pressed and is completely destroyed. About half way in to the cup it took on the form of a mushroom and then split where the corners are. I shouldn't of tried to fit it at 12.30am after a 12 hour shift.
• #12
Looking at this photo here the cap seems to go inside the hub. Possibly the bike shop have supplied you with the wrong one? The part number should be - M40448.
Could the adjuster and dust-cap be fitted on the wrong sides? (I have no experience with the Ellipse hub).
• #13
It's definitely the right part. I tried the original part first so I had that to compare it to. I was replacing the axle and adjuster cap because theres an issue with the threading on the axle getting squashed and the adjuster cap getting stuck. I had to drill the adjuster cap out as it was stuck. The axle had threading missing and a lot of rust spots.
All tools available to me were useless in that situation because the shape of the cap doesnt allow prongs to get a full grip. I had to make a tool out of a piece of wood and 6 nails to finally get the leverage and grip needed to get it off. They do a 6 prong tool but it's like 80 quid and looks to be designed for a flat surface.
I think I'm definitely on the right track but unfortunately I don't have the means or knowledge to get the dust cap in the cup.
• #14
• #15
I was replacing the axle and adjuster cap because theres an issue with the threading on the axle getting squashed and the adjuster cap getting stuck. I had to drill the adjuster cap out as it was stuck. The axle had threading missing and a lot of rust spots.
Welcome to the world of Mavic track wheels. These hubs are so shit it’s unbelievable. I have one that I might be able to dismantle and figure out where you’re going wrong (if you are even going wrong, it really could just be that they are that shit) but it’s at home and I’m in Harrogate at Bespoked right now.
• #16
I have a new cap arriving next week. I honestly think the only way it goes in is pressing it in the correct way. I must of been too ham fisted with my first attempts. I will keep updating here until I get there!
• #17
i think you put it in before pushing the axle through as the axle has a fixed collar/washer that is too big an ID for the cap to push on over
• #18
It wasn't this. It is definitely the cup and cap diameter that has me puzzled.
• #19
You are right though about the cap having to be on before the axle.
I've recently replaced the bearings and axle on my rear mavic ellipse but I'm having trouble working out how to put back the dust cap on the opposite side of the adjuster cap.
The cap is a little larger than the hub and I've just wrecked a new one trying to press fit it in. It actually started to push in but after about half way, it broke under the pressure.
Anyone done this before? It's an expensive mistake to make twice!
Thanks. Any advice is appreciated.