• #67677
is200, huh?
was love at first sight when it was released in 99.. got one that scratched the itch, but ended up trading it for another project.
i started missing it soon after, so i got one during lockdown (saved it from being broken) and rebuilt it in a year - this one is much nicer and also a sportcross, so it was an easier sell at home (boot space and since it is a facelifted one, more airbags + isofix for the upcoming kid) :)
also, finally something i can use instead of the poor celica. that thing made me a hooligan every time, but now it can go into the garage and wait for its turn
• #67678
I hate the red trim on the front, but otherwise this is cool as fuck, and bodywork looks in remarkably good condition for a 70's Fiat, which is a 124 Sport.
• #67679
Not too bad, I have two Tourings so alternate use and working a four on four off shift one can sometimes sit a while so I always have the one not being used on a trickle charger .
I also use a small solar panel on the dash to keep it topped up and tuck it down between the seat and centre console when driving.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/ECO-WORTHY-Maintainer-Conversion-Automobile-Motorcycle/dp/B08K3BQTNK/ref=sr_1_5?adgrpid=103920347917&dchild=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwzaSLBhBJEiwAJSRokhgHe0DXTkZfAIcgGtsjZAhHKpH0s4c0Ln1xrnBkzqdfdsFLmnyizBoC2GMQAvD_BwE&hvadid=447211122427&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9044988&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=5893252662463135821&hvtargid=kwd-937299972&hydadcr=28154_1724864&keywords=12%2Bvolt%2Bsolar%2Bpanel&qid=1634314538&qsid=260-8759130-3492000&sr=8-5&sres=B08K3BQTNK%2CB081YRGJHV%2CB088GPJL8Y%2CB093KK7NP5%2CB08RRV1RGS%2CB0140OO99O%2CB07KHRBY4Z%2CB07TKTQKTS%2CB08KZF2FX4%2CB08KW1DCJR%2CB08RRVKZGB%2CB00HTSVDAM%2CB07X7NB7YT%2CB07KG2TB6V%2CB07HR6RSB9%2CB07B2TKW1D%2CB092VNJL9S%2CB07VQZQHLV%2CB07YKMWJ5D%2CB07M7DKTT1&th=1 -
• #67680
I also use a small solar panel on the dash to keep it topped up
Legit big brain move.
• #67681
Red trim is awful, as you say . And those wheels look like they belong to a supermirafiori. But other than that this is a beauty. As previously mentioned on this thread I have a lot of love for this particular 124.
Did you get any idea what they were asking for?
• #67682
When was the last time you saw a ropey bluebird.
This one looks to in quite good shape, apart from the bumper and wing damage.
1 Attachment
• #67683
So if you were offered this car for free, would you?
Not sure that there is an undamaged panel.
1 Attachment
• #67684
I like the sticker
• #67685
Hey up dude, sorry I just did a quick snap as I was cycling past, so don't even know if its for sale or if someone just dropped it off for MOT/repairs.
The place is called the Euro Car Centre in Tulse Hill, couldn't see a website listed online on my brief google but maybe give them a call to ask. I'm not going to be up that way until next week, but if I see a price appear on the windscreen when I'm next in the area I'll let you know.
It would make a great big brother to your baby Fiat for sure, so stylish, would love for you to get it.
• #67686
Nice one big thanks dude. Timing would be out as house stuff priority at the moment. But have an itchy eye for be of these for sure.
Keep clocking up those superb mgoof miles. I will look forward to seeing your next exquisite finds in here
• #67687
That garage does have interesting cars.
Can we have a go at guessing what the car behind the 124 is. Am thinking that it is a Honda S800 coupé.
• #67688
I’m currently finding it very hard to resist bidding on this:
341k miles!
• #67689
I like that ^ Got a thing for boxy 90s 4x4s
Would like a daihatsu fourtrak
1 Attachment
• #67690
J’adore those Twingos but fuck me that’s a rotter.
• #67691
I did a bazillion miles in a ford maverick four door. It was my mates mum's car and we basically stole it to go surfing with.
Indestructible. Had a fuel tank the size of a swimming pool too, although I don't think we ever filled it. We just took it back to his ma's whenever it was empty.
• #67692
I cycle past this one most weeks. It doesn’t move much. Curious if it’ll survive ULEZ:
https://goo.gl/maps/EUj5Tfg1nvxj7MNn7 -
• #67693
What part of free does not intrigue you ;)
Then followed by how bad can it be? Was thinking of saying I'll take it away for €100.
I got a free smart car, as the manifold cracked and one of the six spark plugs was broken in the head.
Getting the transfer of ownership was real hassle as well as selling the car. But fuckwit me values my time at less than a euro an hour.
• #67694
Harling back to some fuel economy chat from a while ago- 996 was running at 9l/100Km on Friday.
• #67695
Which is around 31 MPG a quick Google tells me.
• #67696
But what was the average RPM? Not nudging the redline surely?
• #67697
It was the best selling point.
• #67698
At a guess it won't, as £12.50 every day it moves will kill it.
Then again Im trying to buy a lhd ex italian delta registed in the UK strange thing is it is a 1301cc so the 127GT engine....
• #67699
And then there's this:
https://goo.gl/maps/ws8R562Qjk5aG1hu6 -
• #67700
No, cruising on the motorway (largely).
Someon stole my fucking ropey MK1 fiesta when it was 12 years old and would not pass another MOT.
Bonus was getting it back 2 years later, in alot better condition it was stolen in.