Do you tide it to work every day?
I'd like to see it all packed up with bags and dangles
Ive not been in the office since last march, which is mostly fine by me, apart from I miss the commute; loosing 2 hr of cycling a day is sad.
I was planning on riding to my parents in wales this year, life has got in the way a bit but maybe i'll have time before it gets too cold and wet - that would be a good chance to load it up.
Also that top cap was give years before the current trend!
Beautiful top cap by a beautiful man ;-)
Lovely. Do you find it pretty short with the back-sweep on those bars? I'm sure it makes for a nice 'sit back and look at the trees' kind of ride.
It is upright yes, theyre Jones H-Bars - I had used these bars previously on my 29'er with great success:
I had actually had a bit of issues with numb palms, which meant much fiddling with grip angle which seems to have solved it. However I just bought some Gussett stash bars for my cousins bike (See: Above) and I like the look of their rise and (slightly less) sweep, I may get a set to try.
@snoops Its a Nitto M-18, I have generally been very happy with it, but I rode the other day with 3 big D locks in the basket and it was a bit wobbly. And, given my previous history with racks, i have decided to upgrade to a SimWorks Obento for more stability. (the M-18 will be moved to handlebar bag support on my 29er when needed)
Ive not been in the office since last march, which is mostly fine by me, apart from I miss the commute; loosing 2 hr of cycling a day is sad.
I was planning on riding to my parents in wales this year, life has got in the way a bit but maybe i'll have time before it gets too cold and wet - that would be a good chance to load it up.
Beautiful top cap by a beautiful man ;-)
It is upright yes, theyre Jones H-Bars - I had used these bars previously on my 29'er with great success:
I had actually had a bit of issues with numb palms, which meant much fiddling with grip angle which seems to have solved it. However I just bought some Gussett stash bars for my cousins bike (See: Above) and I like the look of their rise and (slightly less) sweep, I may get a set to try.
@snoops Its a Nitto M-18, I have generally been very happy with it, but I rode the other day with 3 big D locks in the basket and it was a bit wobbly. And, given my previous history with racks, i have decided to upgrade to a SimWorks Obento for more stability. (the M-18 will be moved to handlebar bag support on my 29er when needed)
@PhilDAS / @jono84 / @vpCogworks Thank you very much