Ha so long as you avoid football days Glasgow is pretty great for getting out of as a rider. MTB or Road, often just take an hours worth of small train line out somewhere and then ride back or even ride between one branch and another, theres a busy station within a few hundred metres of house (quiet street in almost the burbs) which connects to everywhere very efficiently (when they aren't on strike).
The buses here though are a joke though lol, number of times a driver has had to ask the passengers where to go is insane
Haha the only shame was on the way back Scotland were playing in some shitball match. That cost us an hour as they fucked the trains up. We didn't really spend much time in Glasgow itself - 2 hotels, 2 brewdogs and an Indian restaurant was about all we visited. But it's a gateway north so I'll take it.
GWR and its shitty 6-bikes in vertical storage bullshit can get fucked. I almost didn't get on the last time I tried to use that stupid service and then it was delayed an hour for cops to calm down some football fans in one of the carriages (they were students and actually seemed cool but someone wasn't enjoying the shenanigans so must've called the cops)