This on fork crown?
Where can I buy?
Edit: Is that this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/393560946889? + this:https://www.condorcycles.com/products/exposure-lights-3-prong-action-camera-mount-to-exposure-cleat?variant=37191108952214&wgu=281345_187205_16363885541594_d9ec641047&wgexpiry=1644164554&source=webgains&siteid=187205 ?
Yo, @amey I'm in need of advice on how to obtain this sweet-lookin setup. Where can obtain?
Might be better in the mudguards / dynamos thread, but…
Has anyone had any success mounting a moderately large light (Exposure Strada, in this case) directly to a nice metal mudguard (PDW 45mm lads)? I was thinking of using the mount Isen make for dynamos but I’m worried it will be too heavy / bouncy