Did you do a lot of strength work? I need to up my strengthening as I find gum work boring. Any tips?
I did loads of strength work in the first year. Nothing in the gym or particularly special though...starting light and then gradually building up to lunges and squats and then on to weighted lunges and squats and then onto weighted lunges and squats on wobble cushions and balance balls etc. There was a fair amount of leg raises with resistance bands too.
The main problem was that I went from 5 hours of cardio a week down to zero hours and didn't adjust my lard arse diet.
Its all to easy to lose heart and give up when you have a setback too.
When I did my ACL and meniscus I should have been able to get back to good fitness within a year but instead I lost the various psychological battles and ended up putting on 20KG of lard. Ended up being two years before I started to get my shit together. Four years later, i'm finally back to feeling good and enjoying most sessions.