It's crazy how quickly you loose condition.
Its all to easy to lose heart and give up when you have a setback too.
When I did my ACL and meniscus I should have been able to get back to good fitness within a year but instead I lost the various psychological battles and ended up putting on 20KG of lard. Ended up being two years before I started to get my shit together. Four years later, i'm finally back to feeling good and enjoying most sessions.
I do really apologise, that was not meant to make anyone feel shit!
Just going from 17 min shape to 21:52 in 5 months was a bit of a wake up call, to be kind to myself in that time I lost my job, had a child (well my wife did but I’d like to think I was pretty active in the caring side of things!) , got a new job (phew) which didn’t leave much time space or energy for looking after myself!
I’m interested in documenting turning this back around again, and hopefully maintain it, I know having done it before is easier than starting from scratch, but hopefully it can provide some inspiration for others!