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  • Meanwhile, the odds of being eaten by a shark are around one in 3.7m, according to National Geographic. So, again, you’re far more likely to be eaten by a shark before you win the main prize.

    So even if you buy 2 or 3 or 10 tickets you're more likely to be eaten by a shark. The stats may seem to get better but in real life terms, there is no difference. 1 ticket gets you in the game, any more tickets per game is a waste of money.

  • the odds of being eaten by a shark are around one in 3.7m, according to National Geographic

    I always wonder how they calculate this? Not all of the earth's population are able to get to the sea. Fewer still will swim in waters which have sharks in them and then an even smaller percantage will go deep enough to get into shark territory. One in 3.7million seems a pretty low estimate to me.

    Anyway, I digress, how 'bout that FTSE, eh?


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