Should there be an acceleration limit?
This is something I've questioned. There are an awful lot of drivers out there who have very little control of their current cars. They are already too powerful for them - evidenced locally by the number of cars that seem to be able to get into serious accidents in the 20 zones, coming off roundabouts or negotiating corners. Almost all EVs have the ability to accelerate people into these situations a lot harder than before. I appreciate it's a big selling point, but there are so few people who can actually handle a fast car (or be trusted to use it sensibly) that I wonder if this is going to become a problem.
Yes, far yoo many collisions, with other vehicles and street furniture caused by too much power under the right foot.
I'm also now wondering about braking distances.
Do VW, for example, fit the ID3 with an uprated set of disc brakes to account for that heavy slab of batteries under the floor, or just rely upon whatever is in their parts bin? -
This is an interesting and relevant point. Even quite lowly EVs have terrific acceleration from rest — one of the posters over on the petrolhead thread (qv) mentioned how a Tesla driver had 'smoked' him from the lights in his mega-powerful V8 Mercedes. There are a lot of Tesla owners out there, a good number no doubt relatively unskilled.
First ride in an electric car last Friday.
VW ID3, 220 miles, north west London to Brixham, Devon.
We had a recharge stop at Portishead.
No opportunity to charge at destination so the Portishead charge 'to the brim' in 45 minutes gave the driver enough range to drive Portishead-Brixham-Portishead for the return journey.
We used the 45 minutes to have a comfort break, buy some groceries for the weekend away, and have a sandwich looking at Portishead Marina.
Main observation: surprising acceleration available at any speed, (we kept below 70 mph).
Made me wonder; we all subscribe to a speed limit.
Should there be an acceleration limit?