• Our power was switched off today, but my network has not come back up correctly.

    • Modem connects to the router
    • Router connect to 3 switches
    • Switch 1 connects to 2 APs and 2 PiHoles
    • The router can see switch1,2,3 in discovery
    • Switch 1 can see the router in discovery, and the APs are showing in the MAC table
    • There are 2 LANs and a bunch of VLANs
    • I have internet access, and can connect via ssh tunnel / VPN
    • I can connect to the router from my desktop (on a wired connection - router on, desktop on 192.168.2.x)
    • I can connect to the Switches using the management ports


    • I cannot connect to any AP / wifi
    • I cannot connect to any switch from my desktop
    • I cannot connect to any AP / Unifi controller from my desktop

    All lights everywhere are lit / flashing correctly

    What's going on?

    I've removed all firewall rules for 192.168.1.x / eth1 and 192.168.2.x / eth2 LANs

  • Switch and APs booted before the router which presumably has the DHCP server and are so don't have an IP on your local subnet? If so rebooting them should help.
