• #12127
• #12129
F*ck… the further you get… evil… just evil. Not misguided. Not miseducated. Just evil.
• #12130
Using kids as a revinue income by jailing them on made up charges. With added religious bat shit chucked in. WTF indeed.
• #12131
Someone else who doesn't know how to wear a mask correctly. Not doing anything to protect him hanging from his ear like that.
• #12132
Just how much what our own privilege can get away with
• #12133
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• #12134
Made in Surrey
• #12135
Poor guy. Shocking that nobody is helping him. But hey, they got a photo! Cunts.
• #12136
Quite a sad story. Hope he gets the help he needs. https://nypost.com/2021/10/07/new-jersey-man-survives-9-story-plunge-by-landing-on-a-bmw/
• #12137
Terrible that they used the photo. I don't think the papers here are allowed to do that.
• #12138
journalistic integrity and ethics went out the window* with the advent of social media and smartphones
*sorry, not sorry
• #12139
The New York Post has been going for 200 years and it's never had any scruples.
And speaking as a former journalist I wouldn't say that smartphones and social media have changed the ethics of the British papers.
• #12140
The New York Post
as a former news media contributor across multiple formats, I agree that tabloids be tabloiding since forever, but I have seen the quality of reporting drop considerably as journalists are now scrambling to regain the advertising dollars being taken by Facebook, Instagram and the like. Smartphones have destroyed the attention span of audiences and caused the proliferation of nonsense content regurgitation from Twitter, Facebook etc.
• #12141
The quality's not dropped because of lower ethics, it's because the internet means everyone's doing three jobs, constantly in fear of redundancy, and with hardly any time for fact checking or subbing. It's just a fight for survival. If you want time for research or second-sourcing, tough luck.
• #12142
the internet means everyone's doing three jobs
which is why I am a former news media contributor
The quality's not dropped because of lower ethics
we'll have to agree to disagree about this. I had the editor of a Sunday paper call me during the rugby world cup and ask me to fake a particular photograph for the front page. When I refused, he called my manager, with whom I argued about ethics and was told to complete the assignment as requested.
Said photo never eventuated.
• #12143
I have similar stories, but I don't think the root cause is a question of new technology or a recent drop in ethics. The overwhelming majority of journalists would much rather be in a New York Times environment with fact checkers on tap and no lying allowed. But nearly everyone in the UK has been forced to cut corners. Nobody likes it.
You do get a severe lack of ethics from the people competitive and ruhless enough to rise to the top, but I think that's always been the way. Paul Dacre edited the most profitable paper. He got the job in 1992. Even after the internet had caused huge job losses at other papers he could still afford to overcommission by 200% just to force his journalists to compete with each other. People try extra hard when two thirds of the work is spiked every day. That was one of his ways of keeping standards high. Another was to shout in someone's face in the middle of the newsroom that they're a fucking cunt.
Nasty proprietors also hire nasty editors. Rupert Murdoch and Robert Maxwell are/were pure poison, and they dragged ethics down very deliberately. The Barclay brothers are as bad. The root cause is that publishing a big paper gives you power and money, and an awful lot of the people who succeed in getting the most power and money are completely amoral.
• #12144
a big paper gives you power and money
Hence many wealthy powerful people starting their own ‘news’ outlets, e.g., the New York Post being founded by Alexander Hamilton.
• #12145
hey! sci-fi fans!
do you like dune?
do you really, really like dune?
https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1082772450/dune-the-sandworm-dildo -
• #12146
Looks like it could get dirty quickly
• #12147
Also what idiot puts set fat in a bottle?
Criminal ones apparently, even in Siberia it's illegal to kill badgers for their fat it turns out. It was being promoted as a Covid cure :/
Unsurprisingly you can buy illegal badger fat on amazon.
• #12148
Just imagine winning a fight then having to go around with your dead, defeated rival's body attached to you while you tried to stay alive until their head separated from their body.
And even then you couldn't shake the head.
Not ideal.
• #12149
I came across a pair of deer one dead, one alive, tangled in netting. The dead one had been dead for weeks. The live one was only upset by me finding them and was otherwise fit and healthy. It took ages to catch and separate them but with the help of someone from the RSPCA we did manage it.
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• #12150
How was it fine?! How was it fit and healthy?!
Hand of God?