To the sparks on here - i managed to damage the bathroom fan three-core and earth cable when redoing our bathroom. So when i came to wire in the fan it the moment you turn on the light it shorts. Theres continuity between the grey (used as a neutral and the earth) so assumed i pinched it.
The fan works with no issue just on the humidistat (so without a switched line triggered from the light) but ideally we'd have both.
Is there an issue using the earth as the neutral if the fan doesn't need to be earthed (class II) - i'm sure it's not allowed, but pragmatically whats the risk? I'm not keen on ripping down the ceiling and insulation to recable...
To the sparks on here - i managed to damage the bathroom fan three-core and earth cable when redoing our bathroom. So when i came to wire in the fan it the moment you turn on the light it shorts. Theres continuity between the grey (used as a neutral and the earth) so assumed i pinched it.
The fan works with no issue just on the humidistat (so without a switched line triggered from the light) but ideally we'd have both.
Is there an issue using the earth as the neutral if the fan doesn't need to be earthed (class II) - i'm sure it's not allowed, but pragmatically whats the risk? I'm not keen on ripping down the ceiling and insulation to recable...