Have put the feliway on
Have you tried pet remedy? We tried feliway when our two were fighting but it didn't make a noticeable difference. Then we used pet remedy when saff was ill & stressed about going to the vets, as we noticed that's what they had on in the vets room. Really seems to work although the smell is a lot more noticeable to human noses (not a bad smell, just essential-oily kind of smell)
Sooo, Fleur is being a bit of a dick. My partner(her best mate) is away for a week. She’s usually wfh so used to spending the day together.
Fleur won’t settle, no amount of play will wear her out and she gets really bitey while being stroked.
Keeps trundling around at night meeping loudly, I assume she’s looking for Liz?
Any tips on how to settle her down til things are back to normal? Have put the feliway on but no change, trying to tire her out a bit but she just seems a bit off.
Poops etc all fine, eating well(she had a strop the other day and wouldn’t eat the first day Liz was away but back to it now) and drinking plenty of water.
I’m sure she’ll be fine but not used to seeing her unsettled.
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