• I’ve spent this morning appreciating the aesthetics, the engineering etc too. 3000 miles in this now. I can’t really imagine how any car can be more comfortable and fit for purpose whilst being so engaging to drive.

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  • This and @Fixedwheelnut ‘s e30 touring (pretty sure that was it, grey, photo taken on the docks in London, sexeh) are probably my favourite forum cars.

  • My mates dad had a E39 528i in that nice dark green. Had it since new and did over 400,000 kilometres in it. He sold it last year after 3 years in a row of many $thousand services. Suspension parts, cooling system. Random electronic failures, window regulators etc. Funny thing is, doesn't turn me off at all. They still have huge appeal. My mates dad still misses the car but still has his 80 series LandCruiser to roll around. That's on 600,000 kays
