There are a load of youtube videos about the squaring part, so I won't butcher that. As for wonky tables, I used to only have a rickety workmate (well, that's still more than I have now). When I started trying to plane stuff, I would either butt the workmate up against a low wall to provide resistance in the direction I was planing. Or butt the work piece up against the side of my shed, but that doesn't allow you to plane right up to the end. A solid workbench is a godsend for planing. One I won't have for a while it seems.
This anti slip mat can be useful but obviously works best on boards.
It's available all over the place just linked to Rutlands because it's easy to find on their site.
If I've got some long pieces of 45mmX45mm that are warped on all four sides.
I've got a Stanley no 4 Plane in the post and a very large antique apprentice's plane.
Is it feasible to get it roughly square?
And if so are there any tips or tricks? Thinking especially about clamping. I work on a folding garden table that isn't very stable when doing vigorous stuff on it.