The Octopus screenshot you posted doesn't contradict anything I've said.
If you get switched, you will end up paying the price cap.
If you choose to switch yourself now, you will still end up paying the price cap too (because you can't get charged more) which is why they say you won't be better off.
But you can also get a bit of extra cash for doing it and switch to a decent supplier who are well backed enough to not go bust, instead of probably getting switched to a crap big six supplier, who most people will then want to switch away from to a better supplier.
So people who aren't on a fixed tariff now with a supplier who is likely to go bust are better off switching to Octopus, no matter what the 'official advice' is.
So if anyone does want to do this and wants £50 (I'll get £50 too) my referral link is below!
Yep so you might as well switch to a decent provider who isn't going to go under* and who is going to pay you to do that.
Current advice is not very imaginative...
*Presuming you're not on a fixed tariff.