anyone else bothered with midnight mass yet? episode 1 gave a kind of stranger things/stand by me turned inbred village/isolated island horror vibe and the cats on the beach made it gory enough to pique interest then ep 2 it just devolves into some god-bothering cliche-fest until it's almost pure "christian horror" in the same way "christian rock" is to rock music.
I guess the name gives the game away somewhat but seemed to be more about the religion than it did the scary bit.
anyone else bothered with midnight mass yet? episode 1 gave a kind of stranger things/stand by me turned inbred village/isolated island horror vibe and the cats on the beach made it gory enough to pique interest then ep 2 it just devolves into some god-bothering cliche-fest until it's almost pure "christian horror" in the same way "christian rock" is to rock music.
I guess the name gives the game away somewhat but seemed to be more about the religion than it did the scary bit.
of course it's blown up in the US.