Prototype, mainly from scrapped metal, max I was carrying around 300kgs, had to get a bigger cassette to pull it and need to put brakes. @psg1ben welding shop really, but bikes will be involved too. Build bikes for bike wars, etc.
Hey Sketch, I am interested in having a bespoke removable rack built for my Bullitt that would sit on the frame in the cargo area, giving it an extra "floor" if that makes sense... is that the sort of thing you could do?
I can do a back of a napkin drawing of what I mean if that doesn't make sense.
Prototype, mainly from scrapped metal, max I was carrying around 300kgs, had to get a bigger cassette to pull it and need to put brakes.
@psg1ben welding shop really, but bikes will be involved too. Build bikes for bike wars, etc.