I think you need to work out if a new GPU in existing machine (and maybe other upgrades) will solve your problem, and if so whether an appropriate model is available on its own at a price you are willing to pay.
Spending £2000 on a new PC, where the first ~ £1000 covers parts other than the GPU isn't value for money...
Depends a bit if I can sell old PC to cover some of those costs I suppose.
But also time spent organising it is time that I could otherwise spend working (or cycling) and in my experience some bits are bound to not be fully compatible with other bits and there's potential for wasting a load of time. If it was just a matter of buying a GPU, plugging it in and getting straight back to work I'd do it right away... but suspect it wouldn't be.
Suppose I'd consider paying for an upgrade service if that took care of it all.
Basically just that my PC is getting a bit slow for a lot of the work I'm doing (mostly lower end stuff for youtube/social media, but am getting more 4k stuff to work with lately) and it's getting to the point where I'm willing to spend £2000 (or a bit more maybe) on a new PC. Am assuming that I may get better value for money by hanging on until there are less shortages.
Also I don't have time to build one myself, much as I'd like to, so will be buying from Scan or similar.