Our block has a sibling - Taymount Grange. It's listed, we're not - I suspect because they're got all their Crittall windows and we're 100% PVC double glazing. Their block has been better cared for than ours it must be said, and has a grander approach.
I think out block would be nicer with a return to the Crittall window (in looks if nothing else), and the shitty and cheap garage doors replacing the nice hardwood ones is one symptom of "as cheap as possible and damn the character" approach that has afflicted the block for 30 or so years.
I don't know how long the last remaining pair of original doors will last, maybe another 90 years - but they're looking somewhat ragged now.
So - one of the reasons I'd like to replace the crap up-and-over doors with carriage doors is to try to keep a little bit of the character of the place.
Our block has a sibling - Taymount Grange. It's listed, we're not - I suspect because they're got all their Crittall windows and we're 100% PVC double glazing. Their block has been better cared for than ours it must be said, and has a grander approach.
I think out block would be nicer with a return to the Crittall window (in looks if nothing else), and the shitty and cheap garage doors replacing the nice hardwood ones is one symptom of "as cheap as possible and damn the character" approach that has afflicted the block for 30 or so years.
I don't know how long the last remaining pair of original doors will last, maybe another 90 years - but they're looking somewhat ragged now.
So - one of the reasons I'd like to replace the crap up-and-over doors with carriage doors is to try to keep a little bit of the character of the place.