The garage that the Porsche has been in for two months isn't locked, and any determined thief could get through the locked door by pulling on the frame of the door until it twists out of the frame (and then the fearsome Spring Of DOOM might kill them I suppose).
Which could of course mean that thieves see that the door isn't locked and don't even pull it up to check what's in there, so convinced are they that the lack of lock means = nothing in here.
The garage that the Porsche has been in for two months isn't locked, and any determined thief could get through the locked door by pulling on the frame of the door until it twists out of the frame (and then the fearsome Spring Of DOOM might kill them I suppose).
Which could of course mean that thieves see that the door isn't locked and don't even pull it up to check what's in there, so convinced are they that the lack of lock means = nothing in here.