Having made quite a few close to that size and you did ask for a heads up. There's a lot to it. Like I said though, don't take my word for it or Soul's just crack on and show us how it's done as you seem pretty sure we are underestimating you or overestimating the job. I look forward to seeing the project unfold and wish you all the best.
I don't think that you're underestimating me, or overestimating the job, I just wasn't looking for a "it's too hard, pay someone else" type of answer. Rather, I was looking for "you'll need to consider the following".
I acknowledge that I'll likely make a mess of it, but I don't see why that's a reason not to do it.
At least you get a laugh from my misfortune, without having to resort to grammatical contortions to get your jollies.
Mate, you need too much information, tools and experience to reach your goal based on my experienced estimation. Pick an easier project to start on, those garage doors are too hard for a beginner.
Clear enough.
I never laugh about people wasting joinery supplies and my grammar is just poor and contorted but my doors are not.
Having re-read this I realise you were expecting a breakdown on what's involved in building these doors.
So just to clarify, the reason I've not done that is because there's so much involved that personally I'm not going to commit the time to describing the process to you. Maybe someone else will though.
But seriously. If you already had a few of the tools required and some experience on smaller projects and a space to work in and no other job to do I would say have a crack at it.
Having made quite a few close to that size and you did ask for a heads up. There's a lot to it. Like I said though, don't take my word for it or Soul's just crack on and show us how it's done as you seem pretty sure we are underestimating you or overestimating the job. I look forward to seeing the project unfold and wish you all the best.