I've been using them for the past three weeks or so, holds up well, little bit bulky but the index finger window/slit makes up for it. Not 100% warm but considerably better than my previous solution (Castelli Dulivio C's) below 0 degrees. If you order, there's a code that gives you free socks (or, makes them free of charge after you add a pair to the cart) that's "IMOGEN2020SOKZ"
To solve the not-100%-warm problem I ordered Dissent133 silk liners to go with, should arrive this week but winter's apparently over.
I've been using them for the past three weeks or so, holds up well, little bit bulky but the index finger window/slit makes up for it. Not 100% warm but considerably better than my previous solution (Castelli Dulivio C's) below 0 degrees. If you order, there's a code that gives you free socks (or, makes them free of charge after you add a pair to the cart) that's "IMOGEN2020SOKZ"
To solve the not-100%-warm problem I ordered Dissent133 silk liners to go with, should arrive this week but winter's apparently over.