Looking at the BBC report (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-58649650) it would look like the incident happened on the corner of Tyndall’s Park Road and Elmdale Road. The 2 photos on the report show Tyndall's Park Road looking towards the junction with Elmdale Road, one from each direction. In the second photo you can just make out an ambulance and other vehicles. Witness' comments seem to confirm this.
Looking at the BBC report (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-58649650) it would look like the incident happened on the corner of Tyndall’s Park Road and Elmdale Road. The 2 photos on the report show Tyndall's Park Road looking towards the junction with Elmdale Road, one from each direction. In the second photo you can just make out an ambulance and other vehicles. Witness' comments seem to confirm this.