I need a car for a few weeks over Christmas. Going to be another on.to lease, and it will used to get up to Scotland and back so range/charge speed important. Will have 2 bikes inside (external racks aren’t allowed) so space is a thing too.
Looking at the Q4 but maybe the ID.3 pro is sufficient. Otherwise the Jaguar thing or Model 3 (though the lower boot may limit bike options). Of course maybe nothing available in December and I end up with a fiesta from Europcar instead.
I need a car for a few weeks over Christmas. Going to be another on.to lease, and it will used to get up to Scotland and back so range/charge speed important. Will have 2 bikes inside (external racks aren’t allowed) so space is a thing too.
Looking at the Q4 but maybe the ID.3 pro is sufficient. Otherwise the Jaguar thing or Model 3 (though the lower boot may limit bike options). Of course maybe nothing available in December and I end up with a fiesta from Europcar instead.