Passive income vs active income doesn’t determine whether you’re rich or not.
The subtext is that we are talking about large passive incomes here, i.e at least equivalent to a £70k salary but more like equivalent to £100k +
But yeah, there are other aspects to being actually Rich - typically if you are Rich you have lots of influence in whatever circles you operate in, you don't sweat the small stuff around big purchases, have a willing army to do shit for you, you and whatever profession in which you made your money are viewed positively, you mange your time to the way you see fit etc etc
Also some pensioners are fucking loaded based on their pension income alone, as are people who step back from small-medium sized enterprises but remain significant shareholders.
The real measure of whether someone is rich or not is should they stop working, does the money keep coming in?
If yes -> rich
if not -> just another pleb like you and me