Costs would be enough to make you think twice about rebuilding something that’s kind of silly anyway.
It will also limit your options to redo the ground floor later.
Better to go big and fully extend the ground floor. Disruption will be greater and there will be more decisions that need to be made but you’ll end in the right place after all the effort.
Or just leave the lean too as is until redoing the ground floor is practical.
Thinking a bit more I’d say that would cost 6 figures as no one is going to fuck about with someone else’s half done foundations.
Imo there is plenty of floor space there, get creative in moving things about. I’d also consider half redoing the conservatory with a wood frame with lots of glass as that would not need deeper (or as deep) foundations.
Looking at buying this in Wanstead:
We would want to knock down / rebuild the lean-to kitchen, as pictured here, and build it up on the same footprint, but to the height of the property next door:
We would move the kitchen into the morning room, and have sink, fridge, dish washer, washing maching tumble dryer, in the new extension.
Any roughly indicative costs?