Looks like the adapter kit only changes between 15 to 12 mm diameter or qr, doesn't change the width from 100 to boost 110. So you'd still need the problem solvers booster or similar, there's a few brands selling those.
You could get any 15x100 hub and use universal adapters to make it 15x110 or 12x100 or 9mm qr, if you can live with the adapters.
Looks like the adapter kit only changes between 15 to 12 mm diameter or qr, doesn't change the width from 100 to boost 110. So you'd still need the problem solvers booster or similar, there's a few brands selling those.
You could get any 15x100 hub and use universal adapters to make it 15x110 or 12x100 or 9mm qr, if you can live with the adapters.