If its anything like grape picking its long, hard and painful work. Well my middle class capitalist pig body thought so in France.
Sounds like the strawberry picking I did occasionally in the summers at sixth form.
In my head: hazy summer morning, chatting to the farmer about butter and cider, hedgehogs snuffling around protecting their strawberries.
In reality: painful work, competitively trying to pick more by weight than colleagues before days quota is made, unable to move the next day.
I think it's probably the hardest job I ever had.
I think it's probably the hardest job I ever had.
I used to wash those plastic boxes/trays that loose veg comes in at supermarkets. 15000 of them a day, starting at 6:30am using a dual conveyor belt machine where at 6:30am the water was scalding hot and by 3:30pm it was freezing cold. All week and a half day on Saturday. People were nice but the work was awful... but better than "grading" tomatoes, peppers or cucumbers; easier jobs but soul-destroying and mind-emptying.
If its anything like grape picking its long, hard and painful work. Well my middle class capitalist pig body thought so in France. Specially the bending over all day and chopping bits of your fingers off then getting not only drunk at lunch but hungover as well.
Won't be doing that again.