Until the frost/weather gets cold. Two years ago we had a couple of hornets nests - one in the garage eaves the other in the roof of our house. That was fucking terrifying as there could be 15-20 bashing against a single window.
When the exterminator came there was a half hour period of dying hornets falling from the sky. But if I can’t locate the nest this year there is no point in calling the exterminator.
I really need to carry epi pens at the moment especially as my wife is away on business so can’t run to my rescue.
She is fine now. But we have a proper nighttime curfew here, trying to have as few lights on as possible to not attract the hornets to windows and doors and being super careful letting the dogs out for a pee before bedtime. I might as well have an ankle tag as I am not risking venturing outside after dark.