Used the car today just to show off the 80 miles left in the tank that's been there for about a month. All 3 petrol stations passed were queuing on the way out and empty on the way back, the Asda click and collect place that looks like a petrol station but I'm sure isn't, had queues both ways and one twat on the way that decided to try and go the wrong side of the road round the traffic light junction to cut in only to almost hit the people coming out the carpark and end up stuck in the way making everything worse, top lels all round.
Walked past one near us which had traffic queueing to get in from both directions, but both queues were on the same side of the road, with one queue in the bike lane. Exceptionally bizarre.
Used the car today just to show off the 80 miles left in the tank that's been there for about a month. All 3 petrol stations passed were queuing on the way out and empty on the way back, the Asda click and collect place that looks like a petrol station but I'm sure isn't, had queues both ways and one twat on the way that decided to try and go the wrong side of the road round the traffic light junction to cut in only to almost hit the people coming out the carpark and end up stuck in the way making everything worse, top lels all round.