A bit of advice required about lessons. I started with a local guy a few weeks ago.
He didn’t ask what I could do and don’t ask what I wanted to do. So far I’ve had 3 lessons.
Lesson 1 started a finger licking sequence,
Lesson 2 the jam that’s entertainment
Lesson 3 van Morrison brown eyes girl
The lessons are 30 minutes, invariably they last longer but none have started on time, one was 20 minutes late.
With my lesson of skill I don’t get very far during the lesson, there’s plenty of him showing his skills and a complex version of what I am trying to do.
Is this normal? I’m 7 months into JustinGuitar and I must admit to getting on well with online but I have a tendency to pick things and I can do and can get going with quickly.
Is it worth persevering with the in person lessons (or it takes more than 3 to know if it will work) or should I cut my losses?
Another option is to cut from weekly to fortnightly to give me more time to get the skills embedded as at the moment I feel as if I haven’t got it nailed before the next lesson.
A bit of advice required about lessons. I started with a local guy a few weeks ago.
He didn’t ask what I could do and don’t ask what I wanted to do. So far I’ve had 3 lessons.
Lesson 1 started a finger licking sequence,
Lesson 2 the jam that’s entertainment
Lesson 3 van Morrison brown eyes girl
The lessons are 30 minutes, invariably they last longer but none have started on time, one was 20 minutes late.
With my lesson of skill I don’t get very far during the lesson, there’s plenty of him showing his skills and a complex version of what I am trying to do.
Is this normal? I’m 7 months into JustinGuitar and I must admit to getting on well with online but I have a tendency to pick things and I can do and can get going with quickly.
Is it worth persevering with the in person lessons (or it takes more than 3 to know if it will work) or should I cut my losses?
Another option is to cut from weekly to fortnightly to give me more time to get the skills embedded as at the moment I feel as if I haven’t got it nailed before the next lesson.