For hylomar you only want a thin smear on both the gasket face and the part. Depending on the application some people recommend hylomar on the removable part (ie no. 33 and the gasket face that it contacts) then use plain grease for the bike side. That way if you do ever have issues cleaning the gasket off you're doing it on a removable part that you can put on a bench, rather than trying to do it on the bike. Maybe overkill/thinking for this application but thought I may as well mention it.
Oh also double check your torque settings and whether the bolts should have blue locktight. Wouldn't expect it to get that hot, but could possibly be an expansion/contraction thing. For my twin I made a neat xls. one side A4 print out to keep in my tool box.
From the mating between the gasket and either side?
I'd be surprised if you need sealant. I would try refitting it with a light smear of grease on each side. It should also help to locate it and keep it in place. Although thinking about it blue hylomar might be better than grease as it won't dissolve or melt. So I'd do that not grease.
Also double check the cleanliness of the surfaces.
As it's a higher milage bike (right?) it's probably worth investing in a Hyanes manual.