• #2
Hi, are these still available ? I would need postage please. Thank you, cheers Stuart
• #3
Hey Stuart
Yep, these have been sitting unused and unworn since I posted this 2 (!) years ago. I've since moved to near Brighton, if that's any closer to you – else happy to post.
• #4
Thank you Jules. Can you send me an e mail please, likely easier to chat that way. Would you do $50 including postage? I would need to pay via PayPal if that works for you? Please send an e mail to: stuartlfsmith@hotmail.co.uk
I can give you the address to send to once you get the money etc. Thank you, cheers Stuart
Rapha Randonnée trousers – black, W32 - L30: £50
Excellent condition – only worn casually (i.e. not for cycling) a handful of times. They're too baggy around the pelvis area for my slim frame and look weird on me.
Happy to arrange a handover in a mutually convenient central London location, else you pay for postage.