So how does veal/lamb
Tasty babies. #propaganda
I think it's natural to be saddened by waste, and therefore the death of an animal where the protein etc are put to use is perceived very differently to a death where the carcass is simply burned. I'm reminded of North American and other indigenous cultures where every part of an animal is used, hide, meat, bones, guts, etc, and literally nothing is wasted. This is as much out of economics and industriousness as a moral position of respect for the animal's sacrifice.
I've stopped eating meat and fish, but can see the value in reducing waste in the meat industry. What actually disgusts me most is the amount of dead fish thrown back into the sea. And angling, where animals are stuck with hooks, half suffocated, and thrown back. Never understood this. Definitely worse than catching something to eat IMO.
Should meat eaters / producers be disinterested in waste or animal welfare in order to have a consistent moral position? If you're against the death of any animal for any reason why would you mind either way?
So how does veal/lamb fit in? Not such a big deal since there's not been time to get attached to it? Only name the animals if they get past the young-meat cutoff?