1 - Smoker's breaks. Why the censored do they get to take a break of between 5-10 minutes on several occasions each day due to their habit? I've seen some folk go out at least 6 times a day for this. That could be up to an hour they're not working but getting paid to stand outside to chat to their mates and come back into the office smelling disgusting. If they can take these breaks, can i take greedy b@stard breaks and go and get some chips?
2 - People who can't leave office toilets in a clean state for others to use. I'm assuming that their bathrooms at home must covered in p1ss, left unflushed and have bogeys wiped on the walls. (This actually goes beyond trivial but i had to vent somewhere)
3 - People (I'm assuming those guilty of the second one) who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom. The amount of times i've been in a stall and heard others flush and then walk straight back out into the office beggars belief.
Point 2 is perplexing but a sad reality. A small but significant percentage of the human race will happily (and regularly) let their arses explode in random directions all over the scenery and walk away as if nothing had happened.
1 - Smoker's breaks. Why the censored do they get to take a break of between 5-10 minutes on several occasions each day due to their habit? I've seen some folk go out at least 6 times a day for this. That could be up to an hour they're not working but getting paid to stand outside to chat to their mates and come back into the office smelling disgusting. If they can take these breaks, can i take greedy b@stard breaks and go and get some chips?
2 - People who can't leave office toilets in a clean state for others to use. I'm assuming that their bathrooms at home must covered in p1ss, left unflushed and have bogeys wiped on the walls. (This actually goes beyond trivial but i had to vent somewhere)
3 - People (I'm assuming those guilty of the second one) who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom. The amount of times i've been in a stall and heard others flush and then walk straight back out into the office beggars belief.