• #12027
^*Although tbh the FF sound so fucking bonkers anyway, perhaps it doesn’t really matter.
• #12028
White coily cable FTW! Dig it!
I really want to try the space echo pedal too.
• #12029
Anyone want a Marshall delay or Marshall reverb pedal?
• #12030
Yes on delay pedal but would have to wait till payday so if anyone else wants it/can pay sooner then no worries.
• #12031
That Walrus Audio Slö is a cracking pedal. What’s the anonymous bare-metal box?
• #12032
Love the Slö too, a lot of fun to be had especially when you're sat down in front of it for a few hours.
The bare metal box is a Warp Sound kit from Fuzzdog that i built a few years ago, based on a pedal that Kevin Shields apparently used on Loveless. It's pretty heavy and makes a fair roaring noise, like a half cocked wah through a cranked broken amp. I can't work out if I put it together wrong or that's the way it's supposed to be 😂
• #12033
No worries. I’ll take photos and pop them on here when I get a mo.
• #12034
I finally got a claw for my Jag, (almost) the last piece of the puzzle for this guitar... I thought I could just slot it into place but looking at what little there is on YouTube it seems it needs to be soldered to ground... Hmm, might have to let a pro do it this time...
Also... Baritone neck is in Brisbane, should be with me any day!!!!! And I also ordered some Mick Brierley vintage Jazzmaster pups for it!!??!!
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• #12035
Anyone want a Marshall delay or Marshall reverb pedal?
Any details on the reverb? 👍
• #12036
I popped them on eBay in the end, as I made a couple of impulsive and expensive pedal purchases online! I don't know what the rules are about posting eBay links here are but I can send them if people DM me.
I'm selling a Boss CS3, a spring reverb unit in a wooden box, a Death by Audio Reverberation Machine, a Marshall reverb, a Marshall delay and an analogue Akai flanger.
• #12037
Public service announcement:
The Nobels ODR-1 (the new one with 18v option and bass but switch) is ridiculously great. For £100 it's a no brainer. I want to buy one for all of my friends now.
It can run at 9, 12 or 18 volts so as my new power supply also has those options, I tried all three and concluded that 18v (and the bass cut switch in) is exactly what I was after in terms of useable balance between almost clean boost and light breakup. It sounds great on its own, it cleans up really nicely with the volume rolled back and pushes my Klone in a very cool way.
In short, I love it. Totally smit. Best pedal purchase in ages.
• #12038
I’m going to have to try one!
It was NGD for me yesterday, pics incoming at lunchtime…
• #12039
pics incoming at lunchtime…
So unfair, I'll be asleep!!! 😂
• #12040
Something for you to look at while you’re eating your cornflakes then…
Feel very fortunate to have been able to pick one of these up at a “significant” discount. My first Gibson.
I actually haven’t even plugged it in yet but first impressions… really nice. Nice round neck carve, the fretboard is quite a bit wider and flatter than I’m used to on the Fenders so it felt a little bit like playing an acoustic at first. Weight is spot on. It came set up really well.
The wood grain and lacquer (“vintage cherry” they call it) are beautiful. Fingerboard edges are quite heavily rolled and a bit roughly done in places IMO, and the Grovers could be installed a bit straighter… maybe that’s just Gibson things… plays great though.
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• #12041
That is suuuuper nice!
• #12042
Yeah dude! Congratulations!
• #12043
Worth the wait... Lovely, Tony Iommi model?
• #12044
Yes indeed! Ta all.
• #12045
I haz nek...
Really tempted to put it on my Tokai strat but I'll wait for the Jazzmaster pickups and do the right thing... Probably wouldn't fit in the pocket anyway...
And an F logo neck plate for the Jag arrived with it, because I'm a tart...
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• #12046
Such a fun project, looking forward to seeing/hearing how it turns out.
• #12047
New (used) amp day. It’s a beast!
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• #12048
Like that a lot! I still crave a good Deluxe Reverb.
• #12049
Lovely, massive soft spot for the Deluxe Reverb.
• #12050
What a beauty, OG or reissue?
I suppose that's a good reason as any, I've got an unfounded fear that my delay pedal would somehow affect tuning accuracy if it were at the end of the whole chain - I've got no science to back that up.
Would like to pick up a Fuzz factory sometime, or perhaps a Sonic Boom if I could find a cheap one...
Whilst i'm here I'll post this to remind to move it and dust it every once in a while