• I never got on with my five tens really, they never fit my arches that well and I always had no confidence on small foot holds. I guess the problem is because I never felt like they really fit, I don’t know how to define what a good fit is if that makes sense?

    I am sort of stuck with a scarpa or la sportiva shoe as that’s basically what’s available locally.

    I looked at vapour V because they seem like a sensible moderately aggressive shoe for an intermediate boulderer like me. I guess an alternative would be a miura but I can’t find a pair to try on.

    I tried on a 43 vapour V which felt decent as far as I could tell, no dead space in the shoe and no hideous discomfort really.
    I could probably get into the 42.5 to make the heels a bit more snug and cover off any stretching but I’d be risking them being too small as I’ll have to order them from overseas

  • Go for the 43s then if snug and no dead space. Vapour V is a nice shoe. Instinct VS is similar but better imo.

  • Cool, that's actually good to hear because Instinct VS / VSR are the shoes on my list.

    Do you find the sizing the same on the instinct to the vapour?


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