Thanks for the feedback, really helpful
Yeah my coach has said I’m a bit of a ‘power panda’, his words not mine, not sure what he means by it but my times are going up
So I think something stiff would be good, lockout sounds good, even if I don’t use a feature it’s good to have
As for drops not been able to reach them really, When I bought the aspero I did a lot of gcn watching and had the lad at the shop chop the steerer
Be fair to them they did warn me, but even with this 90mm +17 I can just do the hoods
Does this change which one I should consider?
Yes, in this case go for 150mm travel fork, it will bring your bars up, still allow you to slam the stem, and you'll be able to reach the drops. This means you can get a wider flare bar and gain handling skillz. Wider bar = less overtaking so as long as you smash it to the front ASAP, you should be able to hold your top 40 position.
Rudy is quite new for 'in depth' reviews to be out yet.
Plenty on Laufbut I have come across those blade failures on the internet.
No personal experience of either.
Question is do you need the fork to be fully rigid for sprints in drops etc? If so you want Rudy with lockout.