Thanks for the feedback, really helpful
Yeah my coach has said I’m a bit of a ‘power panda’, his words not mine, not sure what he means by it but my times are going up
So I think something stiff would be good, lockout sounds good, even if I don’t use a feature it’s good to have
As for drops not been able to reach them really, When I bought the aspero I did a lot of gcn watching and had the lad at the shop chop the steerer
Be fair to them they did warn me, but even with this 90mm +17 I can just do the hoods
Does this change which one I should consider?
Any difference between them?
Good reviews?
Don’t want to risk it as I’ve been training a lot for this ride, bike fit, coach et al, got my nutrition sorted too (no more beers for me!)
Anyone got personal experience?
Think it might be a case of buying all three and giving them a shakedown on the local gnarmack round the village,
I won’t be fitting it, lad down the bike shop will, does all my stuff, always manages to fit me in and gives me a heads up on the latest tech