I don't know which MET office forecast you've been looking at but they've been predicting wet weather for a few days. BBC weather, which doesn't use MET office data, yesterday were predicting heavy showers. Though I'd say that more than 24 hours in advance no forecast is very reliable. I work outdoor so spend a lot of time looking at forecasts.
Been keenly watching the MET Office website for the central belt of Scotland but it shifted over night so all my packed bags for my impromptu-esque bike pack trip will have to wait until tomorrow...unless they are lying about that too.
I'm tongue in cheek of course but its frustrating all the same.
I don't know which MET office forecast you've been looking at but they've been predicting wet weather for a few days. BBC weather, which doesn't use MET office data, yesterday were predicting heavy showers. Though I'd say that more than 24 hours in advance no forecast is very reliable. I work outdoor so spend a lot of time looking at forecasts.