Help. I've had an electrician install 30m of ethernet cable up to our new garden office. It's plugged into a Virgin Hub4, and I've bought a TP Link 901N access point thing to make WiFi up there. Ultimately I want the network in the house and in the office to be the same name and password.
In the first instance though, I can connect to WiFi on the TP link access point, but there's no internet connection. I've done the quick setup and said I want it to be an access point, still no internet. I'm useless when it comes to stuff like this, how do I get it to work? Please explain like I'm 5.
Help. I've had an electrician install 30m of ethernet cable up to our new garden office. It's plugged into a Virgin Hub4, and I've bought a TP Link 901N access point thing to make WiFi up there. Ultimately I want the network in the house and in the office to be the same name and password.
In the first instance though, I can connect to WiFi on the TP link access point, but there's no internet connection. I've done the quick setup and said I want it to be an access point, still no internet. I'm useless when it comes to stuff like this, how do I get it to work? Please explain like I'm 5.