Quite possibly on a ring main protected by a 32amp breaker if it's in a kitchen. A ring main consists of 2 twin & earth cables (usually 2.5) which gives the cables a higher capacity due to ohms law etc...
The total max load in your case is 3.5kw/240v=14.5A
That probably falls within safe limits based on diversity and over engineering. The cable and breaker are likely rated for at least 16A, sockets 13A draw in each 'gang'.
2 Gang 13A socket outlets are still rated at 13A not 26A.
You can get back boxes that enable you to put two 1 gang sockets next to each other, then you have 26A as each socket is at 13A.
If it is a spur then this isn't doable as 2.5mm cable is 20A max and more than one socket on a spur means you need to put a 13A FCU on it.
In other words, plug washer and microwave in but don't use at the same time. 😉
A circuit wired single 2.5 twin and earth clipped in open air will have a fuse lower than 16amps is a rough rule of thumb. That is the cable will not catch fire with a 16amp draw. The cable is always the part that needs protection. The sockets are rated for 13amp draw, on a ring circuit that should include both sockets operating at 13amps otherwise it couldn't be 13amp rated.
2 3000w appliances running full pelt is pretty unusual these days.