I had 2 massive tubeless disasters (quite small cuts that just wouldn’t seal,m - rear then front ) on cinturato M in maybe 3-400 miles. Have done about 800 miles on touareg with front set up tubless and rear tubed. Have had 2 flats on rear (1 pinch 1 thorn) and no issue on front. Time to replace the rear (too many skids) and going to set it up tubless. Cinturato M probably rolls a little better on road, but felt squirmy in corners as it transitions between middle ridge and side nobs. off road, Touareg similar levels of grip apart from in really wet mud or clay when it’ll get clogged up fast. If anything though I think the closer pattern helps the toughness of the Touareg.
I would choose the Touareg over the cinturato every day. The rolling resistance difference is minor, and easily forgotten when you’re not stranded, covered in pink latex with a fucked £60 tire due to a bit of flint.
Cheers. It's for touring in Scotland so if I had a choice between putting out 50W more to push some heavy tyres vs. fucking around trying to get a flat tyre fixed in the pissing rain, I'd take the former every time. If I was racing I'd be prepared to risk flats for speed but touring, fuck that.
I was thinking another Cinturato (but skinnier) for my bike and G-One Ultrabite for the front of the grrl's for the grip but