Found the 26.8mm seat post I had stashed away. Unfortunately I think this frame takes a 26.2mm, so there was no way of getting this in there. Going to borrow a 26.0mm first to make sure I order the right size.
So I went and bought digital vernier calipers. I measured the seat tube. It was all over the place but it was showing close to 26.8mm. I measured the seat post on the Paconi, that’s also 26.8mm. So I took it out and tried it in the Bianchi. It went in without much effort. I greased up the silver 26.8 post that I tried today and it went in fine. 🤷🏼♀️ I’ve had this post stashed in my spare bike parts for like 3 or so years, still in the packet.
I could build the bike up this weekend, all I am waiting on is the front rack, which will hopefully arrive next week, but it is nice to have a project to work on when my son is at school and my daughter is asleep.
EDIT: Couldn’t help myself and test fitted the bars. Fuck this bike is looking tough.
So I went and bought digital vernier calipers. I measured the seat tube. It was all over the place but it was showing close to 26.8mm. I measured the seat post on the Paconi, that’s also 26.8mm. So I took it out and tried it in the Bianchi. It went in without much effort. I greased up the silver 26.8 post that I tried today and it went in fine. 🤷🏼♀️ I’ve had this post stashed in my spare bike parts for like 3 or so years, still in the packet.
I could build the bike up this weekend, all I am waiting on is the front rack, which will hopefully arrive next week, but it is nice to have a project to work on when my son is at school and my daughter is asleep.
EDIT: Couldn’t help myself and test fitted the bars. Fuck this bike is looking tough.