not at all, I’ve done them a good amount of times now, maybe enough to count
on two hands and a foot. But it would be nice to have, I’m always dropping the Allen key when holding the cable.This would be good, I think my next things I’m going to have to learn is “repacking bbs and hubs”, now I’ve finally gotten over the fear of rear mechs and headsets, brakes and bottom brackets. I liked living in Birmingham tbf, controversial maybe.
I absolutely cannot wheelie this, if anyone would like to try to wheelie this they’re welcome to
Do you really need a third hand for v brakes?
If you are ever in Birmingham (don't know why you would be tbf, but you never know) I'll happily give you a bike mechanic 1-0-1 or whatever, and we can def shred some bikes!
Last question, can you wheelie this?