I find a spring from a QR skewer is perfect of you unravel it a bit, nice flat, thin but quite strong, turn the phone off first though because it's metal and might short something possibly. I've gone at them with toothpicks and thought it was clean then the spring dug out a load more shit, really gets stuck in there. Annoyingly I think the wireless charging on my pixel 3 has just died so will have to deal with the port more often.
I find a spring from a QR skewer is perfect of you unravel it a bit, nice flat, thin but quite strong, turn the phone off first though because it's metal and might short something possibly. I've gone at them with toothpicks and thought it was clean then the spring dug out a load more shit, really gets stuck in there. Annoyingly I think the wireless charging on my pixel 3 has just died so will have to deal with the port more often.