My android phone charges with USB-C and the charging port just stopped working.
It's going back to the manufacturer for warranty repair. Sadly I couldn't complete a backup before the battery ran out so I'm going to lose some data.
Any suggestions as to how to get some charge to it? Presumably if there's a broken connection of the charger to the internal circuit board (which is what I suspect) then I'm out of options.
Blasted it clean with an air duster already, and I have visually inspected to confirm all the contacts inside are visible and not covered by fluff/goo.
My android phone charges with USB-C and the charging port just stopped working.
It's going back to the manufacturer for warranty repair. Sadly I couldn't complete a backup before the battery ran out so I'm going to lose some data.
Any suggestions as to how to get some charge to it? Presumably if there's a broken connection of the charger to the internal circuit board (which is what I suspect) then I'm out of options.