We finally, finally had a memorial for my uncle who died of Covid late march last year.
About 35 people in a covered pub garden. Have to say it freaked me out - it's the largest concentration of people I've spent more than a few minutes in close proximity to since the very first lockdown.
On a purely selfish level I REALLY do not want covid again, no matter how mild. I have gigs starting up again that it would break me to cancel through illness.
^ not to pour scorn on anyone's gym going but surely after seeing that level of shittery you'd think "yeah this is not good and i should probably not be here".
on a slightly tangential note, how cautiously antisocial is everyone despite being 2xv'd? public transport / packed shopping centres / supermarkets even the park when it's rammed full of kids still gives me the utter heebs - our office had a party on a boat the other day and i just couldn't - i mean, it seems wildly reckless to even consider it. that said, everyone who did go looks like they had a grand old time.